Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reversing Heart Disease and Prostate Cancer

How to reverse heart disease and prostate cancer and live better by making better food choices.  On almost all aspects of health related issues I read about our diet seems to have become the number one issue for many experts.  This TED video by Dr Dean Ornish is backed up by scientifically controlled case studies.  High fat and low fibre diets are killing us.  He says the choice is ours we can choose wellness over illness.  Listen to what he has to say. Here's to your better health!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Today, I came across one of the most interesting talks on cancer prevention and non-invasive cancer treatment available to us all. The quest for scientifically proven, natural remedies for fighting disease and building the immune system is a personal crusade of mine.  Let's face it, prevention is definitely better than the "cure" options. Would you rather eat strawberries, raspberries, pineapple, drink orange juice, green tea and red wine or have a dose of radium or chemo? New scientific research makes the case for the former.

View the TED talk (video) - Dr William Li presenting the case for antiangiogenic foods
"Can We Eat To Starve Cancer"

View a list of antiangiogenic foods 

For more information visit the Angiogensis Foundation

For more scientific research check out the PubMed link   PubMed comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.


Friday, November 5, 2010


I have been suffering terribly with Sciatica for quite a while. The pain is so bad it had been waking me every night for the last few weeks.  According to various doctors and specialists, I have bad circulation. I have been told to live with the pain, take painkillers or see a surgeon.  None of these 3 options appeal to me and I am constantly looking for pain management options.
I had a deep tissue massage about three months ago and was pain free for six or seven weeks after that.  Then it started up again.  About a week ago I had a very hot bath with Epsom salts for arthritis and have been pain free since from the Sciatica.  Maybe it's just a coincidence but who cares - I am pain free and sleeping through the night.  Maybe you too should try it.  Please pass this on if you know of other sufferers as nobody should be expected to just "live with pain".

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Arthritis - Pain Free Naturally - Using Herbs

Try to incorporate, some of our recommendations below.  As previously mentioned, we all react differently to what we imbibe.  It is also important to select products that we like - there is no point trying to incorporate liquorice tea into your lifestyle if you don't like it, rather opt for making a tea with ginger root and some parsley and sipping that - if that is what you like.  Good luck with your quest for a pain free arthritis solution. If you cannot find these products in your local health store, check out House of Nutrition to compare prices and shop online.

Alfalfa (Medicago Saliva)
Alfalfa is one of the most popular remedies for arthritis. For better results, consume herbal tea made from fresh alfalfa, instead of the powder.

Angelica (Angelica Archangelica)
The western variety of Angelica has 12 anti-inflammatory constituents, 10 anti-spasmodic (muscle relaxant) constituents and 5 anodyne (pain-relieving) constituents that are essential for treating arthritis.

Arnica is externally applied as an herbal arthritis medication, to soothe soreness and inflammation. It is considered as one of the greatest herbs for trauma, inflammation and tissue damage. It is used in homoeopathic treatment also.

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa)
Black cohosh acts as a muscle anti-inflammatory and as an antispasmodic to nerves, muscles and blood vessels. The salicylic acid in it contributes to these properties. The herb helps in reducing inflammation caused due by osteoarthritis, neuralgia and rheumatoid arthritis.

Boswellia is similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It has a unique anti-inflammatory action. In addition, long-term use of boswellia does not result in any side effect.

Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper contains a pain-relieving chemical known as capsaicin and an aspirin-like compound called salicylate. It provides relief from arthritis pain, when ingested or applied topically. It is the most powerful herb for increasing circulation, both internally and externally.

Celery (Apium Graveolens)
Celery is rich in minerals and contains more than 25 anti-inflammatory compounds. Raw or cooked celery seeds prove to be a good remedy for rheumatism.

Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)
In order to tackle the swelling that results from arthritis, use ginger tea and ginger compress. Ginger tea is beneficial for osteoarthritis.

Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius)
Ginseng tea works wonders in treating arthritis. It is advised to use American ginseng, since Asian ginseng can actually aggravate the pain of arthritis.

Hops (Humulus Lupulus)
Hop tea is a popular remedy for rheumatism. The plant contains more than 22 constituents that have anti-inflammatory activities and 4 constituents with anti-spasmodic properties. Around 10 constituents act as sedatives, alleviating pain.

Licorice has crucial anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects and acts like cortisone. The licorice components bind glucocorticoid receptors on cells and exert glucocorticoid-like effects.

Mustard Plaster (Brassica Alba)
Mustard is a common herb that is used as in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It contains an irritating substance called allyl-isothyocyanate that is activated only when the seeds are grounded coarsely and mixed with some liquid. This ointment, when applied on the joints, produces the necessary irritation for the counterirritant effect.

Oregano (Origanum Vulgare)
Since free radicals occur in case of inflammation, growing age and degenerative arthritis, oregano, being a powerful antioxidant, prevents the cell damage from free radicals. Antioxidants also help in relieving osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Pineapple contains bromelain, a chemical that prohibits swelling and helps prevent inflammation. The chemical helps to get rid of immune antigen complex compounds that are implicated in some arthritis conditions.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus Officinalis)
Rosemary leaves contain four anti-inflammatory substances. When consumed as a tea, they prove to be a good option for bringing about improvement in arthritis.

Sesame Seeds (Sesamum Indicum)
The nutritional needs of the body increase during arthritis attacks. Since sesame seeds contain copper, the requirement is recuperated.

Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica)
Stinging nettle is considered as one of the most important herbs used for treating early-onset of arthritis.

Turmeric (Curcuma Longa)
The yellow pigment of turmeric, curcumin has considerable anti-inflammatory action. Turmeric is used to deal with almost all the problems effectively. It is very effective in certain models of inflammation.

Willow (Salix)
Willow bark tea has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects and works like an aspirin to reduce pain and swelling.

Wintergreen (Gaulteria Procumbens)
Wintergreen contains methyl-salicylate, the chief active pain-relieving component to treat arthritis. It is preferred to use the dried form of the herb, since it can be toxic when used in concentrated wintergreen oil or applied to the skin.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Arthritis - Pain Free Naturally

My Own Osteoarthritis Tips

In the morning 
1Tbsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, 1tsp Manuca Honey, some warm water. 

Mid Morning
1 Sachet of Dona -  Crystalline Glucosamine Sulfate
You can purchase this in most pharmacies and it costs around €27.00. 
The online price is $28.75 which you can get if you click on the above link. In certain countries this may be obtained via your GP on your medical card.

1-2 Advanced Multi-Billion Dophilus capsules from Solgar
I suggest taking 2 for the first month and then probably just one after that.
This product is formulated to protect from stomach acidity, helping to maintain a healthy intestinal flora.  In Ireland these cost about €28, online the price varies between $16 and $21.00.

Bathe hands/feet daily in Epsom Salts - 20 minutes. A cup of Epsom salts in a bowl, with water as hot as you can take.  Keep topping hot water up.  You can reuse this water 2 or 3 times.  Just heat it up when you need it again.  If taking a bath, put in 2 cups of Epsom Salts, but this would be recommended only 2 to 3 times weekly 

Lifestyle plays a huge role in health.  As science progresses - it would appear that we will  live longer but not necessarily healthier.  If you are interested in participating and some times sharing some good stuff - (natural and organic where possible), join us on our voyage of discovery towards pain free arthritis.

As a long time arthritis sufferer, I have had some good results on different treatments, however, most of these were too rigorous to maintain and I keep slipping back into bad habits. I believe in an holistic approach and look at the various factors that play a key role in our well-being. More than ever today, the old saying, "You are what you eat" applies.  Good digestion is crucial - we need to absorb the good elements of what we eat and drink and eliminate the toxins. Today, I am starting a diary towards including some better alternatives into my lifestyle that are easily maintained towards my quest for a pain free, mobile life. Today, I have measured my pain/stiffness level at 7. Join me and let's share!

Recommended products should be available from any good health store or pharmacy but I have also given online links where you can obtain them. The online products are generally cheaper, especially in Ireland and the UK, but remember to factor in transport costs. Not everybody gets the same result from treatments, so I suggest making this your own customised programme. It's always easier to maintain doing something we like.

I recommend reading A Doctor's New Proven Home Cure for Arthritis 
I read the original book and followed the recommendations in it.  I got incredible results within a month.  At that time I had not been taking any pain medication for arthritis, sometimes these slow down the individual's response as there is more toxin in the body to deal with.  Alternatively, Patrick Holford, the world renowned UK Nutritionist's book, Patrick Holford Says No To Arthritis 

Pain Management  
If  you suffer from pain, you know how debilitating it is.  What I find the most difficult to cope with, is my low energy levels, this can also cause depression - due to exhaustion from the pain. Many people are claiming excellent results from TENS the (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) for all kinds of pain.  It is believed that TENS works via two mechanisms - closing of nervous system "gates" through which pain signals travel;and the relief of endorphins, the body's natural mechanism for suppressing pain. Amazon currently have 2 on special offer reduced from $500 to $65.00.  Get yours now. Click on the TENS link above.

In the course of the next weeks, we will discuss herbs, oils, remedies, food, and other alternative treatments recommended by our readers for arthritis.  Happy Pain Relief.

PS: If you are currently taking any medication or have medical issues, before undertaking any recommendations, please consult your doctor.

References Sources : Dona,


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sick of Being Sick

I decided to start this blog as a result of total frustration with traditional medical solutions in Ireland.  I feel, at a time when medicine is at such an advanced state, we, as patients are regressing in the health care that we are getting.  To me, medicine has never been so fragmented and time wasting.  I would emphasize that I have absolutely no medical or special training in the field of health or medicine.  What I do have is a desire to research natural options for people who are being sent from pillar to post, from one specialist to another, each of whom treats a specific ailment - generally with drugs. This blog is set up with the intention of creating a forum for us as a community to share information. Let's promote natural where possible, it's better for us and as we are all going to be living longer, let's live longer healthily.